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Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Ripple Effect

You know the analogy ... throw a stone in the pond and watch the ripples it makes. In other words, something said or done in your life is like the stone thrown into the pond.  The ripples are the affect the words or actions have on those around us.  Well, for some reason I was thinking about Steve this morning.

Years ago, I was putting in my usual Sunday hours at the cutting table...cutting, yacking, putting away fabric, etc. Straightening a few bolts in the novelty fabrics, I saw this rather handsome young man concentrating, quite seriously, over some of our cottons.

"Can I help you find anything?"

"No. I'm just thinking."

"Well, just let me know." With that I walked away.

He selected a few bolts and brought them to the cutting counter. It was an interesting combination. "What are you making with these?" I (naturally) asked ... (that's my job, you know).

"A vegetable quilt."

"How fun." With that I had finished cutting, gave him his slip for check out and he walked away.

Now you're asking 'where's the ripple?' Well, this lovely fella came back, about two or three weeks later and I remembered. "Hi, how's your vegetalble quilt coming?"

The look on his face was astonishment. I had pitched a rather large rock into this guy's pond.  He was flattered that I had remembered and he started to chat with me, with me about this new red-work quilt he was working on and about how much he enjoyed quilting and the challenge of taking the craft to a very fun and personal level.

Steve's comes back to shop many times and has 'made my day' every time he did.  So, my lesson learned is Every Little Thing Counts!  Everything we do and say matters even if we think it doesn't matter to us. 

I hope you have a lovely day and remember, today could be the day you meet one of your best new friends.

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